Monthly Archives: May 2014

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flow chart to print the sum of the digits of a given number

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flow chart to print the sum of the digits of a given number 10m Dec2005  An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language or Pascal, but with some statements… Read More »

An Assembly Lanuage Program to search for a character in a given string and calculate the number of occurrences of the character in the given string

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program to search for a character in a given string and calculate the number of occurrences of the character in the given string Let’s identify variables needed for this program. First variable will be the one which will hold the Strings entered by user in the variables P1 LABEL BYTE   … Read More »

An Assembly Lanuage Program to determine a given string is a palindrome. If ‘Yes’ output the message “The given string is a palindrome”. If ‘No’ output the message “No, it is not a palindrome”.

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program to determine a given string is a palindrome. If ‘Yes’ output the message “The given string is a palindrome”. If ‘No’ output the message “No, it is not a palindrome”. Let’s identify variables needed for this program. First variables will be the one which will hold the Strings entered… Read More »

An Assembly Lanuage Program, which converts string to its ASCII value and store in array

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program, which converts string to its ASCII value and store in array Let’s identify variables needed for this program. Let’s identify variables needed for this program. First variables will be the one which will hold the Strings entered by user in the variables P1 LABEL BYTE    M1 DB 0FFH    L1… Read More »

An Assembly Lanuage Program for reversing a given string

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program for reversing a given string. Let’s identify variables needed for this program. First variables will be the one which will hold the Strings entered by user in the variables P1 LABEL BYTE    M1 DB 0FFH    L1 DB ?    P11 DB 0FFH DUP (‘$’) to concate characters of two strings given by… Read More »

An Assembly Lanuage Program, which converts string lower case characters to upper case characters and upper case characters to lower case characters

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program, which converts string lower case characters to upper case characters and upper case characters to lower case characters. Let’s identify variables needed for this program. First variables will be the one which will hold the Strings entered by user in the variables P1 LABEL BYTE    M1 DB 0FFH    L1… Read More »

An Assembly Lanuage Program, which takes two inputs as strings and display the Concatenated string.

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program, which takes two inputs as strings and display the Concatenated string. Let’s identify variables needed for this program. First variables will be the one which will hold the Strings entered by user in the variables P1 LABEL BYTE    M1 DB 0FFH    L1 DB ?    P11 DB 0FFH DUP (‘$’),… Read More »

An Assembly Lanuage Program, which encodes the string into the ASCII value but not corresponding ASCII value; shift 5 place left in ASCII and write the encoding string

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program, which encodes the string into the ASCII value but not corresponding ASCII value; shift 5 place left in ASCII and write the encoding string. Develop cryptographic algorithm where each letter is replaced by a different letter. Given the mapping of characters to encoded characters, it is simple… Read More »