Explain the term FAT in the context of disk operating system. What will be the size of a disk and it’s FAT? – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2015 – 16

By | August 29, 2015


Course Code : MCS-012
Course Title : Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Programming
Assignment Number : MCA(I)/012/Assignment/15-16
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 25%

Explain the term FAT in the context of disk operating system. What will be the size of a disk and it’s FAT, if a disk has 64 tracks with each track having 16 sectors and size of each sector is 512 byte? You may take the cluster size as 4 sectors.



Disk has 64 tracks

Track has 16 sectors

Sector is 512 byte (0.5 KB)

Cluster size as 4 sectors



            Disk Size (or Disk Capacity)?

            It’s FAT (or FAT entries)?


Track Size (in KB) = No. of Sector x No. of Btyes


= 16 * 0.5 KB


= 8 KB


Cluster Size (in KB) = No. of Track x No. of Sector


= 64 * 8 KB


= 512 KB


Disk Size (in KB) = No. of Cluster x No. of Track


= 4 * 512 KB


= 2048 KB




Disk Size (or Disk Capacity) = 2 MB


Note: FAT contains vital information; two copies of FAT are stored on the disk, so that in case one gets destroyed, the other can be used


It’s FAT (or FAT entries) = Disk Size (or Disk Capacity) / Cluster Size


= (2 * 1024 * 1024) / (2 * 1024)


= (2 * 1024 * 1024) / (2 * 1024)


= 1024 No. of entries


Note: FAT contains vital information; two copies of FAT are stored on the disk, so that in case one gets destroyed, the other can be used (Acutual entries = 1024 entries / 2 = 512 entries).