Design an algorithm and draw corresponding flowchart to find all the prime numbers between two given numbers ‘m’ and ‘n’, where m, n > 0. 10m Dec2005

By | June 11, 2014

Design an algorithm and draw corresponding flowchart to find all the prime numbers between two given numbers ‘m’ and ‘n’, where m, n > 0. 10m Dec2005

An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language or Pascal, but with some statements in English rather than within the programming language

  1. A sequential solution of any program that written in human language, called algorithm.
  2. Algorithm is first step of the solution process, after the analysis of problem, programmers write the algorithm of that problem.

Pseudo code 

  • Input N and M
  • While N is smaller than M
  •        Initialize I to 2
    • While I is smaller than N
    •                If  N is divisible by I
    •                          skip loop
    •                Increment I
    •                If  N is equal to I
    •                          Print N
  •                Increment N

Detailed Algorithm:

Step 1:  Input N & M

Step 2:  While (N < M)


Step 4:                  While (I<N)

Step 5:                                 IF N%I == 0

                                                     goto Step 7

Step 6:                           I++

Step 7:        IF I==NUM

                                Print NUM
 Step 7:   N++ 



 Design an algorithm and write a program using ‘C’ to compute transpose of a matrix. 10m Dec2005

 Solved program can be found on this link                                   

Write a program to process the mark for 4 courses in a semester. Each course contains 2 components namely internal assessment and external examination. Students need to pass in both the components individually by acquiring at least 40% in order to declare successful completion in a course, Compute the total marks average and also display the Grade accordingly. 10m Dec2005        Note: You should use “Structures” concept 

Few changes needed. MARK has to be divided into internal and external

Solved program can be found on this link

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