An Assembly Lanuage Program, which converts string lower case characters to upper case characters and upper case characters to lower case characters

By | May 15, 2014

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program, which converts string lower case characters to upper case characters and upper case characters to lower case characters.

Let’s identify variables needed for this program.
First variables will be the one which will hold the Strings entered by user in the variables P1 LABEL BYTE    M1 DB 0FFH    L1 DB ?    P11 DB 0FFH DUP (‘$’) to concate characters of two strings given by user and Other variables will be holding the Messages ‘ENTER ANY STRING :- $’, ‘ENTERED STRING IS :- $’ and ‘CONVERTED STRING IS : $’ to be printed for the User, So in all Four variables.The identified variables are P11, MSG1, MSG2 and MSG3.


DATA SEGMENT is the starting point of the Data Segment in a Program and DATA is the name given to this segment and SEGMENT is the keyword for defining Segments, Where we can declare our variables.

Next Line – MSG1 DB 10,13,’ENTER ANY STRING :- $’
    MSG2 DB 10,13,’ENTERED STRING IS :- $’
    M1 DB 0FFH
    L1 DB ?
    P11 DB 0FFH DUP (‘$’)

P1 LABEL BYTE    M1 DB 0FFH    L1 DB ?    P11 DB 0FFH DUP (‘$’) this line is a declaration of Array with Variable Length of User’s Choice (i.e. User can enter String of Variable Length) initialized with ’$’ which works as New Line Character $ is used as (\n) NULL character in C program. P1 is the Start of the Label Byte Data Type. M1 is used for assigning Maximum Length of the Array. L1 is used to Get the LENGTH of the entered String by User. P11 is the name refered for the Array in the proram. (A Number Character is of a BYTE size Hence we have to used only DB Define Byte ) as we don’t know the lenght of the Characters in the String. Therefore we take it approx size 256. Here 0FFH DUP (‘$’) stands for N i.e. Size of Array or Array Size. DUP stands for Duplicate i.e. it will duplicate the value in All the Array with the value present in Bracket (i.e. $).  MSG1 DB 10,13,’ENTER ANY STRING :- $’this line is a declaration of Charater Array initialized with ‘ENTER ANY STRING :- $’  and $ is used as (\n) NULL character in C program. (A Character is of a BYTE Hence we have to use only DB Define Byte ). Similarly MSG2 DB 10,13,’ENTERED STRING IS :- $’ and MSG3 DB 10,13, ‘CONCATENATED STRING IS :- $’.

Next Line – DATA ENDS

DATA ENDS is the End point of the Data Segment in a Program. We can write just ENDS But to differentiate the end of which segment it is of which we have to write the same name given to the Data Segment.

Now, Selection of data type is DB data type the numbers which we are adding will be integers so DB is sufficient.

[codesyntax lang=”asm”]

    MSG1 DB 10,13,’ENTER ANY STRING :- $’
    MSG2 DB 10,13,’ENTERED STRING IS :- $’
    M1 DB 0FFH
    L1 DB ?
    P11 DB 0FFH DUP (‘$’)



 In Assembly programming, the variable are all defined by bytes only.

DB – Define Byte  (Size – 1 Byte)

DW – Define Word  (Size – 2 Byte)

DD – Define Double word  (Size –  4 Bytes)

DQ – Define Quad word  (Size – 8 Bytes)

DT – Define Ten Bytes  (Size – 10 Bytes)

NUMBER SYSTEM in Assembly Programming is Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary.

In the Program, We are entering the values for the variables and Do arithmetical Operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division So the Computer should understand which kind of Number is entered. Hence there is a different letters for different Number Systems. O or o stands for Octal, H or h stands for Hexadecimal, B or b stands for Binary, D or d stands for Decimal. By default type of numbering system is Decimal. If you do not specify any letter then the number is understood to be Decimal (By default).


Macros are just like procedures, but not really. Macros look like procedures, but they exist only until your code is compiled, after compilation all macros are replaced with real instructions. If you declared a macro and never used it in your code, compiler will simply ignore it.

    MOV AH,9
    INT 21H

DISPLAY :- is the Name (Identifier) of the Macro. MACRO is the Keyword Used. MSG is the Argument Passed.
    MOV AH,9             }
    LEA DX,MSG        }      :- /* code inside macro */
    INT 21H                  }
ENDM   :- is the end of Macro.

The code which is used most of the time is written in between the macro for reducing the length of Code.

[codesyntax lang=”asm”]

    MSG1 DB 10,13,’ENTER ANY STRING :- $’
    MSG2 DB 10,13,’ENTERED STRING IS :- $’
    M1 DB 0FFH
    L1 DB ?
    P11 DB 0FFH DUP (‘$’)


    MOV AH,9
    INT 21H

        MOV AX,DATA
        MOV DS,AX                
        DISPLAY MSG1
        LEA DX,P1
        MOV AH,0AH    
        INT 21H
        DISPLAY MSG2
        DISPLAY P11
        DISPLAY MSG3
        LEA SI,P11
        MOV CL,L1
        MOV CH,0       
        CMP [SI],41H
        JB DONE
        CMP [SI],5BH
        JB LWR
        CMP [SI],61H
        JB DONE
        CMP [SI],7BH
        JG DONE
UPR:    SUB [SI],20H
        JMP DONE

LWR:    ADD [SI],20H
        LOOP CHECK
        DISPLAY P11
        MOV AH,4CH
        INT 21H


Explanation : 

In this Assembly Language Programming, A single program is divided into four Segments which are 1. Data Segment, 2. Code Segment, 3. Stack Segment, and 4. Extra  Segment. Now, from these one is compulsory i.e. Code Segment if at all you don’t need variable(s) for your program.if you need variable(s) for your program you will need two Segments i.e. Code Segment and Data Segment.


CODE SEGMENT is the starting point of the Code Segment in a Program and CODE is the name given to this segment and SEGMENT is the keyword for defining Segments, Where we can write the coding of the program.


In this Assembly Language Programming, their are Different Registers present for Different Purpose So we have to assume DATA is the name given to Data Segment register and CODE is the name given to Code Segment register (SS,ES are used in the same way as CS,DS )

Next Line – START:

START is the label used to show the starting point of the code which is written in the Code Segment. : is used to define a label as in C programming.

Next Line – MOV AX,DATA

After Assuming DATA and CODE Segment, Still it is compulsory to initialize Data Segment to DS register.  MOV is a keyword to move the second element into the first element. But we cannot move DATA Directly to DS due to MOV commands restriction, Hence we move DATA to AX and then from AX to DS. AX is the first and most important register in the ALU unit. This part is also called INITIALIZATION OF DATA SEGMENT and It is important so that the Data elements or variables in the DATA Segment are made accessable. Other Segments are not needed to be initialized, Only assuming is enhalf.

Next Line –  DISPLAY MSG1

 DISPLAY MSG1 is Calling of a Macro DISPLAY with Argument MSG1. This will display String Msg1 on Screen. 

Next Line – LEA DX,P1
        MOV AH,0AH    
        INT 21H

The above three line code is used to Scan the String entered by user Onscreen to the variable length character Array present in P1 Label Byte and String refered by P11 as Array.

Now, lets understand line by line

LEA DX,P1 in this LEA stands for LOAD EFFECTIVE ADDRESS and it loads the effective address of second element into the first element.  This same code can be interchangably written as MOV DX, OFFSET P1 where OFFSET  means effective address and MOV means move  second element into the first element.

MOV AH,0AH    

The above two line code is used to SCAN the String entered by user Onscreen to the variable length character Array to the address present in DX.

Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 0AH, That means SCAN the String entered by user Onscreen to the variable length character Array to the address present in DX.

Next Line –  DISPLAY MSG2

 DISPLAY MSG1 is Calling of a Macro DISPLAY with Argument MSG2. This will display String Msg2 on Screen. 

Next Line –  DISPLAY P11

 DISPLAY P11 is Calling of a Macro DISPLAY with Argument P11. This will display String P11 on Screen. 

Next Line –  DISPLAY MSG3

 DISPLAY MSG3 is Calling of a Macro DISPLAY with Argument MSG3. This will display String Msg3 on Screen. 

Next Line – LEA SI,P11
        MOV CL,L1
        MOV CH,0 

The above Three line code is used to initialize P11 to SI register, Move L1 (i.e. Actual Length of String Entered) to CL register and MOV CH,0 is used to move or assign value Zero (decimal value) to  CH Register. 

Next Line – CHECK: 

CHECK: is a LABEL and all the words ending in colon (:) are Labels.

Next Line –  CMP [SI],41H
        JB DONE
        CMP [SI],5BH
        JB LWR
        CMP [SI],61H
        JB DONE
        CMP [SI],7BH
        JG DONE

CMP [SI],41H is used to compare 41H (ASCII value of ‘A’) with Element of Array present in [SI] and JB DONE Short Jump if first operand i.e. ARR[SI] is Below second operand i.e. Control jumps to the respective LABEL DONE. The result of Comparision is not stored anywhere, but flags are set according to result. Similarly CMP [SI],5BH   JB LWR  CMP [SI],61H  JB DONE  CMP [SI],7BH JG DONEComparision to find Characters are Alphabets then convert in LWR and UPR labels else skip to DONE label.

Next Line – UPR:    SUB [SI],20H
        JMP DONE

       LWR:    ADD [SI],20H

UPR: is a LABEL and all the words ending in colon (:) are Labels. SUB [SI],20H means subtracting 20H from Address of SI Register, here we are reducing the ASCII value by 20H to convert Upper case to Lower case. JMP DONE JMP is Unconditional Jump. This will Jump to Label DONE.

LWR: is a LABEL and all the words ending in colon (:) are Labels. ADD [SI],20H means adding 20H to Address of SI Register, here we are increasing the ASCII value by 20H to convert Lower case to Upper case.

Next Line –  DONE:   INC SI

 DONE: is a LABEL and all the words ending in colon (:) are Labels.INC SI will increment the value present in SI register by One.

Next Line – LOOP CHECK

This end of loop. In assembly programming language we have a LOOP instruction. This works with two other helpers which are Label and Counter. The Loop start with LABEL and ends with LOOP instruction with the same LABEL name with it. the execution of the Loop depends on the value in CX register ( CX is also Called COUNTER).

Next Line –  DISPLAY P11

DISPLAY P11 is Calling of a Macro DISPLAY with Argument P11, get the Converted String in p11 Variable and  Display the Converted String Onscreen.

This Code is Same as above to Copy the second string to Third String and get the Concatinated String in p33 Variable. Display the Concatinated String Onscreen.

Next Line –  MOV AH,4CH
      INT 21H

The above two line code is used to exit to dos or exit to operating system. Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 4ch, That means Return to Operating System or DOS which is the End of the program.

Next Line – CODE ENDS

CODE ENDS is the End point of the Code Segment in a Program. We can write just ENDS But to differentiate the end of which segment it is of which we have to write the same name given to the Code Segment.

Last Line – END START

END START is the end of the label used to show the ending point of the code which is written in the Code Segment.

Note :- In this Assembly Language Programming, We have Com format and EXE format. We are Learning in EXE format only which simple then COM format to understand and Write. We can write the program in lower or upper case, But i prepare Upper Case.

Screen Shots :-


Output After Execution :-


Note :- To see the variable and its value you have to click vars button in the emulator.

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