Explain any five DOS function calls supported by INT 21H in the 8086 assembly language with an example of each call. 10m jun2006

By | February 11, 2015

(d) Explain, with an example of each call, any five DOS function calls supported by INT 21H in the 8086 assembly language.             10


DOS Function Calls (Using INT 21H)

INT 21H supports about 100 different functions. A function is identified by putting the function number in the AH register. For example, if we want to call function number 01, then we place this value in AH register first by using MOV instruction and then call INT 21H:

Some important DOS function calls are:




(a) Construct the Karnaugh map for the following function, and find the function in sum of product form. Draw the resultant logic diagram. F (A, B, C, D): Z (0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15)      5


Similar Solved program can be found on this link http://cssimplified.com/assignments/use-a-karnaughs-map-to-design-an-odd-parity-generator-circuit-for-4-input-bits-ignou-mca-assignment-2014-15


(b) Draw the logic diagram for a 4 x 4 random access memory. Assume that the cells of RAM are made of R – S flip-flop.                        5


D flip-flop using R – S flip-flop Solved Answer can be found on this link http://thalia.spec.gmu.edu/~pparis/classes/notes_101/node116.html


Refer :- MCS-012 Block 1 page 101 and 102


(c) Seek time on a hard disk is 50 ms. it rotates at a speed of 3000 rotations/sec. Each track on the disk has 100 sectors. Find the average access time for the disk.     4


Similar Solved program can be found on this link http://cssimplified.com/assignments/what-is-rotational-latency-in-the-context-of-disk-access-time-ignou-mca-assignment-2014-15


(e) Explain, with an example, the following logic-microoperations:                       6

(i) Selective complement

(ii) Mask operations

(iii) Insert

(iv) Clear


Solved program can be found on this link http://cssimplified.com/computer-organisation-and-assembly-language-programming/registera-holds-the-8-bits-11011001-determine-the-b-operand-and-the-logic-micro-operation-to-be-performed-in-order-to-change-the-value-in-a-to-5m-dec2005


(f) What is the need of master slave flip-flop? Explain its functioning with the help of a suitable diagram.  6

Refer :- MCS-012 Block 1 page 93 and 94