Tag Archives: case

Write a macro to find out whether the given character is lower case or not 7m Dec2008

Write a macro to find out whether the given character is lower case or not 7m Dec2008 3. (a) Write a macro to find out whether the given character is lower case or not. 7 #include <stdio.h> //#define IS_UPPER_CASE(n) ((n) >= ‘A’ && (n) <= ‘Z’) #define IS_LOWER_CASE(n) ((n) >= ‘a’ && (n) <= ‘z’)… Read More »

Write a program in 8086 assembly Ianguage that converts each character of string to upper case and to the next character 7m Jun2008

Write a program in 8086 assembly Ianguage that accepts a character string, of maximum 10 characters, from the keyboard, converts each character of string to upper case and converts each character to the next character. i.e. A to B, B to C,and so on. Finally display the string on the screen. 7m Jun2008   DATA… Read More »

An Assembly program to convert lower case to upper case – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2014 – 15

 MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code : MCSL-017 Course Title : C and Assembly Language Programming Assignment Number : MCA(1)/L017/Assign/2014-15 Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 25%   Write a program in assembly language for converting lower case to upper case in a given string of characters.   DATA SEGMENT MSG1 DB 10,13,’ENTER ANY STRING… Read More »

An Assembly Lanuage Program, which converts string lower case characters to upper case characters and upper case characters to lower case characters

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program, which converts string lower case characters to upper case characters and upper case characters to lower case characters. Let’s identify variables needed for this program. First variables will be the one which will hold the Strings entered by user in the variables P1 LABEL BYTE    M1 DB 0FFH    L1… Read More »