Tag Archives: corresponding

Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flow chart and write a program in C, to print the Fibonacci series.10m Jun2006

Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flow chart and write a program in C, to print the Fibonacci series.10m Jun2006 An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language or Pascal, but with some statements in English… Read More »

Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flowchart and write a C program to check whether a given string is a palindrome or not. 10m Jun2006

Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flowchart and write a C program to check whether a given string is a palindrome or not. 10m Jun2006 An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language or Pascal, but… Read More »

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to search a number in the given list of numbers and also display its position. 10m Dec2005

 Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to search a number in the given list of numbers and also display its position. 10m Dec2005  An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language or Pascal, but… Read More »

Design an algorithm and draw corresponding flowchart to find all the prime numbers between two given numbers ‘m’ and ‘n’, where m, n > 0. 10m Dec2005

Design an algorithm and draw corresponding flowchart to find all the prime numbers between two given numbers ‘m’ and ‘n’, where m, n > 0. 10m Dec2005 An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language or… Read More »

Design an algorithm and draw corresponding flowchart to convert a decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalent. 10m Dec2005

Design an algorithm and draw corresponding flowchart to convert a decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalent. 10m Dec2005 An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language or Pascal, but with some statements in English rather than… Read More »

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flow chart to print the sum of the digits of a given number

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flow chart to print the sum of the digits of a given number 10m Dec2005  An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language or Pascal, but with some statements… Read More »

An Assembly Lanuage Program, which encodes the string into the ASCII value but not corresponding ASCII value; shift 5 place left in ASCII and write the encoding string

Now we will write another Assembly Lanuage Program, which encodes the string into the ASCII value but not corresponding ASCII value; shift 5 place left in ASCII and write the encoding string. Develop cryptographic algorithm where each letter is replaced by a different letter. Given the mapping of characters to encoded characters, it is simple… Read More »