Tag Archives: five

CPP03 – Write a CPP program to find the maximum marks, average-marks and minimum marks obtained by a study in five papers given

Write a CPP program to find the maximum marks, average-marks and minimum marks obtained by a study in five papers as given below: Paper 1            Paper 2            Paper 3            Paper 4            Paper 5 Marks              50                    70                    65                    80                    56 CODE:- #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int… Read More »

Explain any five DOS function calls supported by INT 21H in the 8086 assembly language with an example of each call. 10m jun2006

(d) Explain, with an example of each call, any five DOS function calls supported by INT 21H in the 8086 assembly language.             10   DOS Function Calls (Using INT 21H) INT 21H supports about 100 different functions. A function is identified by putting the function number in the AH register. For example, if we… Read More »

Explain any five addressing modes used in an 8086 microprocessor, with the help of an example of each. 5m jun2006

Explain any five addressing modes used in an 8086 microprocessor, with the help of an example of each.    5m jun2006 The following tree shows the common addressing modes: In general not all of the above modes are used for all applications. However, some of the common areas where compilers of high-level languages use them are:… Read More »

Write a recursive program in ‘C’ to find whether a given five digit number is a palindrome or not. 10m Dec2005

Write a recursive program in ‘C’ to find whether a given five digit number is a palindrome or not. 10m Dec2005 #include<stdio.h> int flag=0; void palin(int,int*); void main() { int a; clrscr(); printf(“Enter the number “); scanf(“%d”,&a); palin(a,&a); if(flag==0) printf(“\nThe number is palindrome…”); else printf(“\nThe number is not palindrome…”); getch(); } void palin(int x,int* y)… Read More »