Tag Archives: Jun 2010

Write a macro to demonstrate #define, #if, #else preprocessor commands. 6m Jun 2010

Write a macro to demonstrate #define, #if, #else preprocessor commands. 6    Code: #include <stdio.h> #define CHOICE 100 int my_int = 0; #if (CHOICE == 100) void set_my_int() { my_int = 35; } #else void set_my_int() { my_int = 27; } #endif main () { set_my_int(); clrscr(); printf(“%d\n”, my_int); getch(); } [codesyntax lang=”c”] #include <stdio.h> #define… Read More »

What do you understand by a decision-control statement? Give an example of each. 8m Jun 2010

What do you understand by a decision-control statement? Give an example of each. 8 In a C program, a decision causes a one-time jump to a different part of the program, depending on the value of an expression. Decisions in C can be made in several ways. The most important is with the if…else statement,… Read More »

Explain the difference between a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach in programming. 5m Jun 2010

Explain the difference between a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach in programming. 5m Jun 2010   Top-down Approach Bottom-up Approach A top-down approach is essentially the breaking down of a program to gain insight into its compositional small program (or module) in a reverse engineering fashion. A bottom-up approach is the piecing together of… Read More »

Write a program in ‘C’ to find a sum of square of odd numbers. 6m Jun 2010

Write a program in ‘C’ to find a sum of square of odd numbers :- 12 +32+ 52+ 72 +92+ +N2   Code:- #include<stdio.h> void main() { int NUM,i,j,SUM=0; clrscr(); printf(“\nENTER INTERGER NUMBER : “); scanf(“%d”,&NUM); for(i=1;i<NUM+1;i++) { if(i%2!=0) { SUM=SUM+(i*i); } } printf(“\nTHE SUM OF SQUARE OF ODD NOS. TILL %d NO. IS : %d”,NUM,SUM);… Read More »

Write a macro to find cube of a given number. 4m Jun 2010

Write a macro to find cube of a given number. 4m Code: #include<stdio.h> #define CUBE(N) (N * N * N ) void main() { int NUM; clrscr(); printf(” Enter number : “); scanf(“%d”,&NUM); printf(“\n Cube of number is : %d “,CUBE(NUM)); getch(); } [codesyntax lang=”c”] #include<stdio.h> #define CUBE(N) (N * N * N ) void… Read More »

Why C is called a middle level language? Give a flowchart to explain the program execution process. Explain each step in detail. 10m Jun 2010

Why C is called a middle level language? Give a flowchart to explain the program execution process. Explain each step in detail. 10   C is called a middle level language It is actually binding the gap between a machine-level language and high-level language. User can use C language to do System Programming (For writing… Read More »