Tag Archives: Explain

Explain various types of storage classes in C with example for each. 8m Jun2007

Explain various types of storage classes in C with example for each. 8m Jun2007 To store data inside the computer we need to first identify the type of data elements we need in our program. There are several different types of data, which may be represented differently within the computer memory. The data type specifies… Read More »

Explain use of comma operator and What is the difference between & and && in C. 10m Jun2007

Explain use of comma operator in C with the help of an example. 5m Jun2007  Comma Operator in C A comma operator is used to separate a pair of expressions. A pair of expressions separated by a comma is evaluated left to right, and the type and value of the result are the value of… Read More »

Explain the meaning of each of the following functions prototypes and mention the return data type of each of them: 10m Jun2006

Explain the meaning of each of the following functions prototypes and mention the return data type of each of them: 10m Jun2006   (i) double f(double a, int b);  –   This function has two arguments, first of double data type and second of int data type. The return data type is double.   (ii) void… Read More »

Write the syntax and explain the purpose of the following function: Fprintf( ) 2m Dec2005

Write the syntax and explain the purpose of the following function: 2m Dec2005   (iii) Fprintf( ) Description The C library function int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, …) sends formatted output to a stream. Declaration Following is the declaration for fprintf() function. [codesyntax lang=”c”] int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, …) [/codesyntax]Parameters stream — This… Read More »

Write the syntax and explain the purpose of the following functions : Fclose() 2m Dec2005

Write the syntax and explain the purpose of the following functions : 2m Dec2005 (ii) Fclose( ) Description The C library function int fclose(FILE *stream) closes the stream. All buffers are flushed. Declaration Following is the declaration for fclose() function. [codesyntax lang=”c”] int fclose(FILE *stream) [/codesyntax]Parameters stream — This is the pointer to a FILE… Read More »

Write the syntax and explain the purpose of the following functions : Fseek() 2m Dec2005

Write the syntax and explain the purpose of the following functions : 2m Dec2005 (i) Fseek( ) Description The C library function int fseek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int whence) sets the file position of the stream to the given offset. Declaration Following is the declaration for fseek() function. [codesyntax lang=”c”] int fseek(FILE *stream, long… Read More »

Explain the important features of ‘C’ language. Mention the types of applications which can be developed using C. List any three ‘C’ compilers. 10m Dec2005

Explain the important features of ‘C’ language. Mention the types of applications which can be developed using C. List any three ‘C’ compilers. 10m Dec2005  Features of ‘C’ language:- C is a general purpose, structured programming language. C programming is widely used in computer Technology.  ·         Low Level Features: C programming provides Low level features… Read More »