Monthly Archives: October 2013

Beginner Write your first Assembly Language program – Hello World!! [explained]

If you have just started learning Assembly language programming, here is a example Assembly program explained so that you can understand the very basic terminology before you write more complex Assembly Applications. First Assembly program simply prints a text message “Hello World” on Screen. [codesyntax lang=”asm”] DATA SEGMENT MESSAGE DB “HELLO WORLD!!!$” ENDS CODE SEGMENT ASSUME… Read More »

A Assembly program to calculate average of numbers in an Array – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2013

MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code : MCSL-017 Course Title : C and Assembly Language Programming Assignment Number : MCA(1)/L017/Assign/2013   A program in assembly language to calculate the average of numbers in an array.   DATA SEGMENT ARRAY DB 1,4,2,3,8,6,7,5,9 AVG DB ? MSG DB “AVERAGE = $” ENDS CODE SEGMENT ASSUME DS:DATA CS:CODE… Read More »

C029 A C program with a function that returns the minimum and the maximum value in an array of integers

void minmax(int array[],int length,int *min,int *max); //prototype Let’s identify variables needed for this program. In this program, we need several variables to store array of decimal numbers and count the length of array and store minimum and maximum of the array. First variable will be the one which will save the list of integers in… Read More »

C027 A C program that multiply two complex numbers

Let’s identify variables needed for the structure inside the program. In this complex structure, we need two variables to store real part and imaginary part of complex number. First variable will be the one which will save the real part of complex number and it will be REAL. Second variable will be the one which… Read More »

C026 A C program to process the students evaluation records using structures

Let’s identify variables needed for the structure inside the program. In this student structure, we need several variables to store string as name and number for enrollment number and marks of student appeared in the term end examination. First variable will be the one which will save the enrollment number and it will be ENROL.… Read More »

C025 A C program to input a string and output the reversed string using pointer notation

Let’s identify variables needed for this program. In this program, we need several variables to store string and count the number of characters in the given string. First variables will be the one which will save the string entered by the user and reverse of it. So it will be S[50] and R[50]. In C… Read More »

C028 A C program with a function that will return the length of a character string without using inbuilt function

Let’s identify variables needed for this program. In this program, we need several variables to store string and count the number of characters in the given string. First variable will be the one which will save the string entered by the user and it will be S[50]. In C language we do not have string… Read More »

C024 A C program to count number of vowels, consonants & spaces in a given string

Let’s identify variables needed for this program. In this program, we need several variables to store large sentence and count the number of occurrences in the given sentence. First variable will be the one which will save the sentence given and it will be S[]. Keeping the square bracket blank means it will take the… Read More »

C023 A C program to convert a given lowercase string to uppercase string without using the inbuilt string function

Explanation of FUNCTION: A function is a block of code that has a name and it has a property that it is reusable i.e. it can be executed from as many different points in a C Program as required. Function groups a number of program statements into a unit and gives it a name. This… Read More »