Tag Archives: multiply

When can two matrices of order m x n and p x q be multiptied? Also write a program in ‘C’ to multiply two such matrices. 10m Dec2008

When can two matrices of order m x n and p x q be multiptied? Also write a program in ‘C’ to multiply two such matrices. 10m Dec2008   The only condition which makes matrix multiplication possible is n should be equal to p (i.e. n==p) n of m x n Matrix and p of… Read More »

Write a Menu driven program in C to add, subtract add multiply two distances which are given in feet and inches. 10m Dec2005

Write a Menu driven program in C to add, subtract add multiply two distances which are given in feet and inches. [e.g. 3 ft 9 inches + 2 ft 5 inches=6 ft 2 inches]. 10m Dec2005 #include<stdio.h> struct LENGTH {     int FEET;     int INCH; }; void main() {  int I;  struct LENGTH A,B;… Read More »

ASSEMBLY06 An Assembly program to read two decimal numbers, then multiply them together and finally print out the result (in decimal )

Now we will write another Assembly program to read  two decimal numbers, then multiply them together and finally print out the result (in decimal ) Let’s identify variables needed for this program. First variables will be the one which will hold the values present in the variables to be Multiplied and it will be NUM1 and… Read More »

C027 A C program that multiply two complex numbers

Let’s identify variables needed for the structure inside the program. In this complex structure, we need two variables to store real part and imaginary part of complex number. First variable will be the one which will save the real part of complex number and it will be REAL. Second variable will be the one which… Read More »

C015 An interactive C program to do the following computation by providing the option using the switch statement 1.Add two matrices. 2. Subtract two matrices. 3. Multiply two matrices.

Let’s identify variables needed for this program. In this program, we need to save matrices which consists Rows and Columns. To save this we need Two dimensional ARRAY. Multi-dimensional Array is a nothing different than any Array but the only difference is that it has more than one dimension to it e.g. square has two… Read More »