Tag Archives: print

CPP01- Write a CPP program to find size and print the all basic data types of C++.

Write a CPP program to find size and print the all basic data types of C++. CODE:- #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { char c=’c’; int i=123; short s=12; long l=98775345; float f=456.789; double d=12345.6789; clrscr(); cout << “Value of char   : ” << c << endl; cout << “Value of int    : ” << i… Read More »

An Assembly Language program to print sequence of random numbers – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2014-15

MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code : MCSL-017 Course Title : C and Assembly Language Programming Assignment Number : MCA(1)/L017/Assign/2014-15 Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 25%   Write a program in assembly language to print an infinite sequence of pseudo-random numbers.    DATA SEGMENT MSG1 DB 10,13,’RANDOM NUMBERS ARE : $’ MSG2 DB 10,13,’… Read More »

A program in assembly language to print out the length of string – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2014 – 15

 MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code : MCSL-017 Course Title : C and Assembly Language Programming Assignment Number : MCA(1)/L017/Assign/2014-15 Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 25%   Write a program in assembly language to print out the length of string.    DATA SEGMENT STR DB ‘GANGADHAR$’ MSG1 DB 10,13,’THE STRING IN THE MEMORY IS… Read More »

An Assembly Language program to convert a packed BCD into ASCII digits – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2014 – 15

 MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code : MCS-012 Course Title : Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Programming Assignment Number : MCA(1)/012/Assign/2014-15 Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 25%   Write a program in 8086 assembly language to convert a four digit packed BCD number into equivalent ASCII digits. The packed BCD number may be assumed… Read More »

A C program to print Values in forward and reversed order – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2014 – 15

 MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code: MCS-011 Course Title : Problem Solving and Programming Assignment Number : MCA(1)/011/Assign/2014-15 Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 25%   Write an algorithm, draw a corresponding flowchart and write an interactive C program to prompt the user to input 3 integer values and print these values in forward and… Read More »

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to print the sum of all integers starting from 2 to the given positive integer x where x >= 2. 10m Dec2006

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to print the sum of all integers starting from 2 to the given positive integer x where x >= 2. 10m Dec2006 An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language… Read More »

Design an algorithm and draw corresponding flowchart to print the value of the number in words when the number entered is in the range of 1 to 299. 10m Dec2006

Design an algorithm and draw corresponding flowchart to print the value of the number in words when the number entered is in the range of 1 to 299. 10m Dec2006 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> void main() { char num[3]; void convert_to_words(char*); clrscr(); printf(“Enter any number between 1 to 299 : “); scanf(“%s”,&num); convert_to_words(num);… Read More »

Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flow chart and write a program in C, to print the Fibonacci series.10m Jun2006

Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flow chart and write a program in C, to print the Fibonacci series.10m Jun2006 An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. An algorithm is expressed in pseudo code – something resembling C language or Pascal, but with some statements in English… Read More »

Write a program in ‘C’ to print automorphic numbers. The automorphic number is a number in which the square of the number contains the number in the end. 10m Dec2005

Write a program in ‘C’ to print automorphic numbers. The automorphic number is a number in which the square of the number contains the number in the end. Example: (a) 5; 25 (b) 6; 36. 10m Dec2005 #include<stdio.h> void main() {   int SQ,i,NUM;   clrscr();   printf(“AUTOMORPHIC NUMBERS BETWEEN 0 TO 999 ARE :… Read More »