Monthly Archives: November 2014

A two-way set-associative cache memory uses blocks of four words. The cache can accommodate a total of 2048 words from the main memory. The main memory size is 128K x 32. 5m Dec2005

What is cache memory?                                                                                5m Dec2005 A two-way set-associative cache memory uses blocks of four words. The cache can accommodate a total of 2048 words from the main memory. The main memory size is 128K x 32. What are the sizes of the following?      TAG      INDEX      Data    … Read More »

Write a 8086 assembly language program to find whether two strings are of equal length. 5m Dec2005

Write a program in 8086 assembly language to find whether two strings are of equal length. You can assume that the strings are stored in the main memory and a string is terminated by a $ character 5m Dec2005 DATA SEGMENT STR1 DB ‘GANGADHAR$’ STR2 DB ‘KOPELLA$’ MSG1 DB 10,13,’LENGTH OF THE STRING 1 IS… Read More »

A computer has 32 registers, ALU has 64 operations. in a common bus system. Formulate a control word; specify bits in each field of the control word. 5m Dec2005

A computer has 32 registers, ALU has 64 operations. All are connected to a common bus system. Formulate a control word for the computer; specify the bits in each field of the control words. 5m Dec2005 Please note the following points: The opcode size is 7 bits. So, in general it will have 27 =… Read More »

Explain the following with the help of a suitable diagram or an example: Error detection and correction process 5m Dec2005

Explain the following with the help of a suitable diagram or an example.  Error detection and correction process 5m Dec2005  Error Detection and Correction Codes: The code, which helps in recognition and correction of errors Computer is an electronic media; therefore, there is a possibility of errors during data transmission. Such errors may result from… Read More »

Explain the following with the help of a suitable diagram or an example: Any two characteristics of video cards / adapters 5m Dec2005

Explain the following with the help of a suitable diagram or an example.  Any two characteristics of video cards / adapters 5m Dec2005  FIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDEO CARDS / ADAPTERS: The purpose of your graphic display system is to display bitmapped graphics on your monitor. The image displayed on your system thus consists of small… Read More »