Tag Archives: C

A C program to print Values in forward and reversed order – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2014 – 15

 MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code: MCS-011 Course Title : Problem Solving and Programming Assignment Number : MCA(1)/011/Assign/2014-15 Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 25%   Write an algorithm, draw a corresponding flowchart and write an interactive C program to prompt the user to input 3 integer values and print these values in forward and… Read More »

Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flow chart and write a program in C, to swap the values using pass by value and pass by reference methods. 10m Jun2007

Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flow chart and write a program in C, to swap the values using pass by value and pass by reference methods. 10m Jun2007  FlowChart: Program to swap two values (Pass By Value):- #include <stdio.h> main ( ) { int x = 2, y = 3; clrscr(); void swap(int, int);… Read More »

Explain the concept of a function returning a pointer with an example 6m Jun2007

Explain the concept of a function returning a pointer in C with an example 6m Jun2007 Function returning a pointer in C A function can also return a pointer to the calling program, the way it returns an int, a float or any other data type. To return a pointer, a function must explicitly mention… Read More »

Write a program in C, to copy file1 to another file2 in the same directory 7m Jun2007

Write a program in C, to copy file1 to another file2 in the same directory. 7m Jun2007 Code: #include<stdio.h> void main() { int ch,size=0; FILE *fp1; FILE *fp2; clrscr(); if((fp1=fopen(“readme.txt”,”r”))==NULL) { printf(“FILE DOES NOT EXIST\n”); exit(0); } if((fp2=fopen(“duplicate.txt”,”w”))==NULL) { printf(“FILE CAN NOT BE CREATED\n”); exit(0); } while(!feof(fp1)) { ch=getc(fp1); putc(ch,fp2); size++; } fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); printf(”… Read More »

Draw a flow chart and write a program in C to sort a given list of numbers. 7m Jun2007

Draw a flow chart and write a program in C to sort a given list of numbers. 7m Jun2007   Flowchart: Code: #include<stdio.h> void main() { int I,J,Temp,List[]={6,3,0,4,8,2,5,9,1,7}; clrscr(); printf(“List Before Sorting :\n”); for(J=0;J<10;J++) { printf(“%d “,List[J]); } for(I=0;I<10;I++) { for(J=0;J<=I;J++) { if(List[J]>List[I]) { Temp=List[I]; List[I]=List[J]; List[J]=Temp; } } } printf(“\nList Before Sorting :\n”); for(J=0;J<10;J++)… Read More »

Explain various types of storage classes in C with example for each. 8m Jun2007

Explain various types of storage classes in C with example for each. 8m Jun2007 To store data inside the computer we need to first identify the type of data elements we need in our program. There are several different types of data, which may be represented differently within the computer memory. The data type specifies… Read More »

Write a recursive program in ‘C’ to find the L.C.M. (Least Common Multiple) of two given numbers. 10m Dec2006

Write a recursive program in ‘C’ to find the L.C.M. (Least Common Multiple) of two given numbers. 10m Dec2006 #include<stdio.h> int lcm(int,int); void main() { int NUM1,NUM2,LCM; clrscr(); printf(“ENTER ANY TWO POSITIVE NUMBERS TO FIND ITS L.C.M. : “); scanf(“%d%d”,&NUM1,&NUM2); if(NUM1>NUM2) LCM = lcm(NUM1,NUM2); else LCM = lcm(NUM2,NUM1); printf(“LCM OF TWO NUMBERS IS %d”,LCM); getch();… Read More »

Using pointers, write a program in ‘C’ to count the occurrence of each character in a given string. 10m Dec2006

Using pointers, write a program in ‘C’ to count the occurrence of each character in a given string. 10m Dec2006   #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void main() { char string[100],*ptr; int c=0,count[26]={0}; clrscr(); printf(“Enter a string\n”); gets(string); ptr=string[0]; while (*ptr) { /* Consider characters from ‘a’ to ‘z’ only */ if ( ptr >= ‘a’… Read More »

Write a program in C’ that accepts 10 words of varying length and arranges the words in the descending order of word length. Use arrays. 10m Dec2006

Write a program in C’ that accepts 10 words of varying length and arranges the words in the descending order of word length. Use arrays. 10m Dec2006 #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { int i,j; char array[10][10],temp[10]; clrscr(); printf(“Enter ten words : \n”); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { printf(“%d : “,i+1); gets(array[i]); } for(i=0;i<10;i++) { for(j=i;j<10;j++) { if(strlen(array[i])<strlen(array[j])) {… Read More »