Tag Archives: using

Write an interactive C program to append the contents of a file at the end of another file without using any built-in functions – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2017 – 18

MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code: MCS-011 Course Title : Problem Solving and Programming Assignment Number : MCA(1)/011/Assign/2017-18 Maximum Marks : 100 Write a program to find the largest element in an array using Recursion – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2017 – 18 Program: #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void main() { FILE *fp1,*fp2,*ftemp; char CH; int c; clrscr();… Read More »

Write a program to find the largest element in an array using Recursion – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2017 – 18

MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code: MCS-011 Course Title : Problem Solving and Programming Assignment Number : MCA(1)/011/Assign/2017-18 Maximum Marks : 100 Write a program to find the largest element in an array using Recursion – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2017 – 18  Program: #include<stdio.h> int LARGE=-1; void main() { int NUM[10],I; void largest_rec(int *); clrscr();… Read More »

Draw the state table and the logic circuit for a 3-bit binary counter using D flipflop. 5m Jun2008

Draw the state table and the logic circuit for a 3-bit binary counter using D flipflop. 5m Jun2008 Binary counter A digital circuit which has a clock input and a number of count outputs which give the number of clock cycles. The output may change either on rising or falling clock edges. The circuit may… Read More »

Write a program to sort data using a selection sort algorithm – IGNOU BCA Assignment 2015 – 16

BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code : BCSL-045 Course Title : Introduction to Algorithm Design Lab Assignment Number : BCA(IV)/L-045/Assignment/2015 Maximum Marks : 50 Weightage : 25% Write a program to sort data using a selection sort algorithm. #include<stdio.h> void main() { int MIN,MIN_POS,I,J,TEMP,List[]={6,3,0,4,8,2,5,9,1,7}; int N=10; clrscr(); printf(“\n****SELECTION SORT****\n”); printf(“\n\nList Before Sorting :\n\n”); for(J=0;J<N;J++) {… Read More »

Represent (124.0625)10 using IEEE 754 single and double precision representations – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2015 – 16

MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course Code : MCS-012 Course Title : Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Programming Assignment Number : MCA (2)/012/Assign /2015-16 Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 25%   Explain the double precision floating point IEEE 754 representation. Represent the number (124.0625)10 using IEEE 754 single precision and double precision representations.  Single Precision… Read More »

Design a two bit down counter circuit that count from 11 to 00 – IGNOU MCA Assignment 2015 – 16

Design a two bit down counter circuit that count from 11 to 00. The initial state of the counter may be assumed to be 11. The counter will be in following successive states: 11, 10, 01, 00, 11, 10, 01, 00, 11 … Use any flip flop to design the circuit. You must design them… Read More »

Design and draw a 3 x 8 decoder using NOT gates and AND gates and explain its working. 8m Jun2007

Decoder converts one type of coded information to another form. A decoder has ‘n’ inputs and an enable line (a sort of selection line) and 2n output lines. Let us see diagram of 3×8 decoder which decodes a 3 bit information and there is only one output line which gets the value 1 or in… Read More »

Simplify Boolean function using Karnaugh map method F(A,B,C,D) = Σ(1,2,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,15) Also, draw the corresponding logic circuit diagram. 8m Jun2007

Simplify the following Boolean function using Karnaugh map method F( A ,B , C , D ) = Σ ( 1, 2 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 12 ,15 ) Also, draw the corresponding logic circuit diagram. 8m Jun2007   K-Map for F is: Thus, the simplified equations for F (A,… Read More »

Write a program to evaluate the following expression using an accumulator machine: A = B + C * D * E + F 7m jun2006

Write a program to evaluate the following expression using an accumulator machine: A = B + C * D * E + F     7m jun2006   Accumulator Architecture: An accumulator is a specially designated register that supplies one instruction operand and receives the result. The instructions in such machines are normally one-address instructions. The popular… Read More »

Draw the logic diagram of a full adder. Create a 2-bit adder-subtractor circuit using the block diagram of the full adder 6m Jun2006

Draw the logic diagram of a full adder. Create a 2-bit adder-subtractor circuit using the block diagram of the full adder 6m Jun2006 A combinational circuit which performs addition of two bits is called a half adder, while the combinational circuit which performs arithmetic addition of three bits (the third bit is the previous carry bit)… Read More »