Tag Archives: expression

Explain the basic principle of Quine-McCluskey method of simplifying the Boolean expression with the help of an example function. 6m Jun2007

Explain the basic principle of Quine-McCluskey method of simplifying the Boolean expression with the help of an example function. 6m Jun2007 Quine McKluskey Method A tabular method was suggested to deal with the increasing number of variables known as Quine McKluskey Method. This method is suitable for programming and hence provides a tool for automating… Read More »

Write a program to evaluate the following expression using an accumulator machine: A = B + C * D * E + F 7m jun2006

Write a program to evaluate the following expression using an accumulator machine: A = B + C * D * E + F     7m jun2006   Accumulator Architecture: An accumulator is a specially designated register that supplies one instruction operand and receives the result. The instructions in such machines are normally one-address instructions. The popular… Read More »