Monthly Archives: February 2015

Explain any five DOS function calls supported by INT 21H in the 8086 assembly language with an example of each call. 10m jun2006

(d) Explain, with an example of each call, any five DOS function calls supported by INT 21H in the 8086 assembly language.             10   DOS Function Calls (Using INT 21H) INT 21H supports about 100 different functions. A function is identified by putting the function number in the AH register. For example, if we… Read More »

Write a program to evaluate the following expression using an accumulator machine: A = B + C * D * E + F 7m jun2006

Write a program to evaluate the following expression using an accumulator machine: A = B + C * D * E + F     7m jun2006   Accumulator Architecture: An accumulator is a specially designated register that supplies one instruction operand and receives the result. The instructions in such machines are normally one-address instructions. The popular… Read More »

A program in 8086 assembly language that checks an input string against a password string stored in memory. 7m Jun2006

Write a program in 8086 assembly language that checks an input string against a password string stored in the memory and outputs an appropriate message if the strings are not equal.       7m Jun2006 DATA SEGMENT MSG1 DB 10,13,’ENTERED PASSWORD : $’ MSG2 DB 10,13,’YOU HAVE ENTERED WRONG PASSWORD !!! $’ MSG3 DB 10,13,’YOU HAVE ENTERED… Read More »